Where to Advertise Natural Industry Jobs

Posted by SRA Admin on Mar 2 2016


When you are seeking out new employees for natural industry jobs, it is important to be able to get your job postings in front of the right candidates. While it may be tempting to post on a generic online job board that promises thousands of candidates, the work of wading through all those resumes is rarely going to be worth it. Luckily there are some resources that can help you find the best candidates by allowing you to more carefully target your audience.

Social Posting

Social media platforms can be a boon to hiring managers because they are widely used and because users imbue their profiles with plenty of information about themselves, making it much easier to target content towards them. LinkedIn is perhaps the best social option for posting natural industry jobs. The LinkedIn job posting algorithm means that your post will be automatically served to LinkedIn users with a skill set that matches your needs. Further, because of the social nature of LinkedIn, users can easily share jobs with their friends and colleagues who may be a good fit.

Although it is less targeted to professional use, Facebook can be another social posting option. Facebook ads also give you very granular targeting options that will allow you to find the types of candidates you are looking for.

Industry Specific Sites

Depending on the type of natural industry jobs that you have open, there is likely a specialty job posting site that caters specifically to your industry. Here is an incomplete list of just some of the niche sites that exist for natural products:

  • naturalindustryjobs.com: this site lists jobs across natural and organic products industries and include job seeking tips such as resume advice
  • FoodForce: for natural industry jobs that include food based products, FoodForce has a robust job posting service, although it is not completely specific to natural products
  • Specialty Food: this site is similar to FoodForce but more targeted to specialty food producers and shops
  • newhope360:  the New Hope Network is host to a number of natural products
  • BlueSkySearch.com: this site lists a number of natural industry jobs, largely in the agricultural field

These sites can help you to find motivated candidates that are specifically qualified and looking for jobs in the natural products industry. While you may not receive as many inquiries as you would with a LinkedIn or Facebook ad, those you do may be higher quality, depending on the site.


The truth is that even though there is a range of job posting sites available for natural industry jobs, the process of writing a job description, posting an ad, and wading through resumes can still be extremely time consuming. With the help of an expert executive recruiter, you will only end up interviewing candidates that have already been screened for their eligibility, saving you the time and effort associated with the job posting process. Many hiring managers may choose to utilize both their own job postings and the services of a recruiter, but for those that are very short on time, recruiters can be the best way to target great prospects and find the right hire.

Topics: natural products jobs, natural products industry

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