The specific CEO job description differs from one company to the next, but rarely is talent acquisition, recruitment, or hiring considered part of the equation. Often, these types of tasks are considered more administrative and relegated to department heads or human resources. At the same time, foster company growth and financial success is generally thought to be key to a CEO's job. The truth is that these two seemingly disparate goals are actually intrinsically linked and indeed, determining CEO hiring practices that work can lead to measurable company successes.
People Are an Investment
No CEO would dream of letting the company's most expensive asset languish, but that's exactly what CEOs who do not take the time to consider recruitment and talent acquisition are doing. In many companies, payroll is the largest expense and adding the right, who can do their jobs effectively and efficiently, is the absolute best way to keep this expense in check. Says CEO Colin Day, writing for Entrepreneur, " Smart leaders who innovate past their competitors do so by prioritizing talent acquisition as a long-term play and not a transaction at the time of need." This means CEO recruiters should be focused on hiring not just when an opening appears, but all the time. The best talent is not waiting around for jobs to open up and CEOs should consider themselves resources for going to find those new players who are going to be able to make a change in the company -- whether or not a spot exists for them right now.
Talent Acquisition = Customer Acquisition
Core to the belief that CEOs should get out in front of, rather than see recruitment as purely reactionary, is the idea that talent acquisition is as important, and indeed is directly related to, customer acquisition. The right employees are your best asset when it comes to achieving big business goals, which means the CEO job description needs to include talent acquisition.
The CEO Can Stay On Brand
Most CEOs don't engage in the hiring process until late in the game, but a CEO as recruiter can add consistency and offers the perfect spokesperson for the employer's brand. When the CEO is able to interview every new hire, he or she can set the standard for talent and really make it known that having a whole team of top recruits is a priority to the company. If it isn't possible for the CEO to be present for every interview, having expert recruiters on the team who know the company's priorities and have great interviewing and communications skills is critical.
When CEOs are able to take a hard look at their current recruitment processes and fully involve themselves in finding the right talent who will really contribute to the bottom line, they will reap the rewards quickly and it will be well worth the effort.