Great Reference Check Questions

Posted by Ginni Garner on Apr 5 2011

Executive search professionals, human resource executives, and hiring managers constantly debate the value of reference checks.  While some believe references paint only the most positive aspects of a candidate’s work experience, others understand that past relationships, management style, and achievements predict the future performance of an employee.

In my opinion reference checks or, conversations with prior managers, co-workers (peers) and subordinates is integral in understanding a candidate’s initiative, ability to execute against goals, leadership, personality on-the-job and adaptability to a new organization.

Below are a few of the reference check questions we use at Sanford Rose Associates.

1. Ability to execute against goals. Can you describe in detail how the candidate was able to meet expectations for the position and achieve success? Can you describe how the candidate performed on 2-3 projects?

2. Leadership and management. Would you describe the size and scope of the teams this candidate managed? Please describe 2-3 examples of the candidate’s ability to lead a team through a project or major initiative. What challenges did the candidate face with their team(s)?

3. Adaptability to a new company culture. How quickly was the candidate able to adapt to your environment? Where did he or she have challenges understanding protocols and political culture?

4. Prior success in similar roles. We are looking for this candidate to do _________, _________, and __________ in this role. Did the candidate perform similar roles when you worked together? Were they successful in those specific roles? Please explain.

5. Company culture. What was the company culture where you worked together? (fast paced, entrepreneurial, long work hours, laid back, good work life balance, competitive, dysfunctional) Did the candidate thrive in thrive in this environment? Why or why not?

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